Today was an incredible day for our non-profit FOUND. I literally saw a ten-year dream come true.
While that was a very surreal experience, a sobering reminder of the reality of our community hit me later when I reached out to a few of the other campuses we serve.
One responded with a unique request.
It’s a campus with a homeless population that continues to grow. We support them with snacks, clothing items, and other various needs that arise.
For the first time ever, they asked for something to celebrate these students. The seniors who are graduating have quite a story to tell. Many of them are first-generation HS graduates.
Hopefully, someday you’ll get to hear their story.
For now … I can tell you mind.
Our contact asked if we could help with gifts for the seniors who have persevered through lives we could never imagine just to show up every day. It’s finally time for them to graduate.
I asked her what kind of gifts she had in mind.
She said, “I was thinking a Cup of Noodles and a plastic bowl for each of them.”
Quickly my mind flashed back to project graduation last year when our oldest son was being celebrated. I was so hopeful that he would get a MacBook Pro. I knew we couldn’t afford one and felt like he really needed it for college.
Many of these kids ARE going to college.
She’s not asking for MacBooks.
She’s asking for Cups of Noodles.
When I pressed her for more ideas she said “For those going to college it might be nice to have some things like bandaids and hand sanitizer.”
Yes, it would be nice.
These kids are true heroes.
They are overcoming odds we will never be able to calculate because no one truly knows what all they deal with on a daily basis.
Although … I feel like she knows.
The one who asked for cups of noodles to celebrate them … she knows.
And He knows.
The One who created them.
He makes all of us in His image and I believe He blesses people like US to be a blessing to students like THIS.